Friday, 11 October 2013

Coming Out Day, 2013: More Life!

Coming out has been, by now, a years long process, including coming out to myself. My knowledge that I was a transwoman was hidden from my conscious view for many years: a subliminal message. Then, at various points throughout my twenties, I glimpsed it, but was too afraid to name it. It gradually dawned on me from my early thirties onward, finally hitting me like a ton of bricks in my thirty-eighth year. Even then, it took over another year before I started my transition, after much research and soul searching. For a more detailed telling of all of this, those of you who have not already done so can have a look at the "About Me" section of this blog by clicking on the link in the right hand column.

Since, actually before, starting transition, I have been coming out to friends, co-workers, and folks in virtually every area of my life including my radio listeners. My family, most of it estranged, is another matter. But, I continue to come out every day in every way as the ripple effects of being myself in this way flow out to other realms of my life. More confidence, more passion, more compassion, more maturity, more detachment, more life. I would not trade this for anything else.

Friday, 4 October 2013

'The Switch' Trailer: New and Improved!

For those of you who were wondering, yes, The Switch, the trans-themed sitcom in which I was a member of the writing team, is still chugging along. A new pilot, with an almost completely new cast has been completed. Here is the new trailer, enjoy!

Keep up to date with the latest news on our production at The Switch web site.