Tuesday, 1 July 2014

The Best Things In Life ...

I thought earlier, as I was doing my earlier posts, that it has been a while since I did a life update here. Looking back at this past spring, I can safely say that the clouds have lifted. After a winter of emotional convalescing, my mood lightened, my grief over 2013's losses and shake-ups cleared and I went back to one daily anti-depressant dose (I had doubled up over the fall and winter). The weather warmed and the sun came out. Happy I was again. I had also accumulated a lot of new writing which I have been working on since. I read at a monthly open mic, The Switch pilot aired on Out TV and a new season will begin production soon.

In March, after my assessment, I got approval for GCS. And, at long last, in June I came out to my family. The good news ... they accept me! June was a major month for me and for the trans* community in general, with the legislative changes in the US, Laverne Cox on the cover of TIME and an increased presence at Pride celebrations all over the continent. What a spectacular backdrop for coming out!

A winter of healing and a spring of coming further out are leading to a summer of promise. I have realized that my relationships are gold: my relationships with friends, family and myself.

I also realize that I have not done a Mad Men tie-in post this year. So, I will let the "late" Bert Cooper take it away ...

Happy Canada Day!!!

Today is part of my very quiet four day weekend. But the poignancy of Canada Day has not been lost on me. So much to appreciate (eg. the outdoors, the diversity, the tolerance), so much more work to be done (eg. the environment, honouring our First Nations and Inuit peoples, advancing rights for the trans* community).

So in brief, let's raise a Caesar and celebrate who we are, remember our histories and continue to do the hard work it takes to make our nation even better for all.

Happy Canada Day 2014!