Wednesday, 1 January 2014

2013 Goals Review and 2014 Goals

It's time for me to do the annual task of taking stock of my life and goals from last year and set up some new ones for next.

2013 was a mixed, year full of dark surprises and shocks and, unfortunately losses and disillusionment. At times, it was difficult to not become disoriented and lose sight of the things that were going right. One thing that has gone almost flawlessly, thank goodness, has been my transition process. After nearly three years of HRT, I have a clean bill of health with my heart, liver and endocrine system functioning perfectly. (I did have a minor scare with a couple of growths on my abdomen and thigh, but both turned out to be benign, but tedious, warts which I have successfully treated with topical medication). My social transition also took a huge leap forward with me presenting as myself at work beginning in February; I have been living 24/7 since then. I also legally changed my name on most of my documents and gender marker on some of them. I am awaiting changes in the Quebec regulations around gender marker changes on birth certificates before applying to change that. There is an amendment being considered in that province currently. Meanwhile, I am now on the waiting list for my GCS (Gender Confirmation Surgery) assessment. So, the work continues.

Last year's post about goals can be found here as can an alternate approach to goal setting which I have integrated into this year's post. This is some of what I wrote a year ago:

"The secret is to not take on too much and to set goals that are doable, winnable and realistic. For 2013, my new goals are:

1. Apply for name change certificate
2. Transition fully at work
3. Work on getting to bed earlier and getting up earlier
4. Get my finances in order
5. Continue with my various writing projects
6. Get my living quarters tidied up and organized (more closet organizers for clothes and accessories and properly store my music collection)
7. Invite more people into my home, welcome them into my life, show them how much I love them.

And I approach these goals fully knowing that more goals will appear as start down this year's path of chosen pursuits."

So .... numbers 1 and 2 can be checked off; done. Number 3 is still a struggle, though. I have been catching up on lost sleep throughout this year and relearned the value of napping and quiet leisure. I made some progress with number 4, but getting my debt (mostly from hair removal) under control and beginning to pay it off.

My writing, and blogging (number 5), has been less than I would have liked, but I have also shifted focus in a couple of areas. I have temporary shelved one nonfiction book project and plan to go full steam ahead with it this year. I also discontinued my radio show blog, and at the end of November, my radio show. I will be launching my own personal library-related blog on January 31st which will, in turn, be a companion to my book.

Number 6 has been occurring all year, as I settled into my clothing style getting rid of clothing that no longer fits or no longer "works". I bought two new hanger units for my outfits and still need to get a couple of shoe/boot racks. Storing my music collection is still a goal.

Number 7 was a goal that kind of fell through the cracks last year, but I resolve to return to it this year.

So, for 2014, my goals are as follows:

1. Get my assessment process completed, or as close to it (given the waiting lists) as possible
2. Work on my book, getting a query package together for the publishers
3. Post more on this blog and my new one
4. Continue to get both my finances and living quarters in order
6. Become more active in my community in two areas; sustainability and trans* issues
5. Invite more people into my home, welcome them into my life, show them how much I love them
7. Treat myself with utmost kindness and compassion
8. Begin dating again

Hmmm ... how about that last one, eh.

Wish me luck! Best of luck with whatever goals you may set for yourself.

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